Capitol hill seattle gay bars

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The lovely Cal Anderson Park and its fountains and the statue of Jimi Hendrix are all part of Capitol Hills surprises. There is a Memorial to veterans of the Spanish American war, and the 444.5 feet above sea level water tower and observation deck with incredible views of the surround country side. The Public bus goes to Lake View Cemetery were Bruce Lee’s Grave is located next door to Volunteer park with its classic Conservatory, Statues of William H.

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Every morning our walk up hill to Broadway in the heart of Capitol Hill, was a new adventure, as there are so many interesting buildings old and new, places to eat and shop and small parks to see. We were staying above one of the coolest restaurants on Capitol Hill, called Harry's Fine Food with a great view of Seattle tower and Puget Sound at the end of the street.Īs the light rail train from the airport has a direct line to Capitol Hill, we did not need to rent a car, plus the fact that A, parking was just about impossible and B, Uber service was only minutes away from everything on capitol Hill.

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